JC Partners Inc.'s  Language Services

Notice of Relocation
September 16, 2008

Dear colleagues,

Our office has moved to a new address. Telephone and fax numbers also changed. Please update your contact records to the new contact information provided below.

   JC Partners Inc.
55 Tsutsumi-gashira, Hirasawa,
Shiwa-cho, Iwate Pref. 028-3308, JAPAN
Tel.: 019-672-1447
Fax: 019-672-1448
E-mail: info@jc-partners.co.jp
E-mail: info@iikaereba.com
Web (Language Services): http://www.iikaereba.com
Web: http://www.jc-partners.co.jp

Thank you very much for understanding.

Constantine V. Semenov
Representative Director
JC Partners Inc.


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